OTOMcomposite developments started in 2017 by introducing a Beta version of the OTOM AFP. The first revisions were based on the analytical approach and simplified geometry. Later, the product became more mature. Hereunder is the list of the previous products and year released:

The latest released version is OTOM V1.23 which is state-of-the-art from the process perspective. OTOMcomposite focuses on performance and accuracy where we employ state-of-the-art performance-based codes and algorithms. The generic version imports CAD geometry and mesh files from the standard software to build up the geometry and setup. The boundary conditions are standard, where the inputs could be assigned by the user. The software will be provided as:

  • Basic package
  • Standard package
  • Premium package

The main features are listed below:


•Analytical trajectory on flat surfaces/cylinders / ellipsoidal domes

•Numerical trajectory on any CAD


•Anisotropic (3D BRDF)/isotropic ray-tracing model on generic surfaces

•Fully 3D describable process for LATW/LATP components

•Laser distribution manager


•Fully 2D/3D transient\steady-state anisotropic\isotropic thermal model

•Local and global thermal models for continuous process modeling


•Multi-objective optimization tool assembled on optical/thermal model

•Crystallinity, bond strength, intimate contact prediction

•Fast model for inline process modeling (interaction with PLC software)

•User-friendly environment •Winding simulation module on pipe/tank

•Winding using the Unsteady Optical-Thermal (UOT) model for generic surface curvatures